First Annual Poetry Festival
Alex Dawson’s presentation with captivated audience inside Pino’s.
The poetry festival & contest was held at Pino’s, 4th and Raritan. Poets had 10 minutes per group to present their poetry. Over 30 poets read their works followed by an open mike segment that closed out the evening. The event ran from 4:30 - 9:30 pm on Sunday, October 6, 2024, and poets came from all over New Jersey and the Philadelphia area. Poets sold their chapbooks and other products, and HPAC sold t-shirts, gave out champagne bubbles to participants, and provided a bookmaking table to learn how to make a sewn signature pamphlet. Poetry winners included . . .
Ariana Astuni, organizer and poet, with introductory remarks.
Make it stand out
Maxine Sussman reading her poetry with her team.