You probably already know that sea turtles are pretty awesome creatures. But did you know that even though they breathe air, they can stay underwater for hours and even SLEEP underwater? There are many different types of sea turtles but the different kinds have some things in common. For instance, they spend most of their time at sea but lay their eggs on land. Want to guess how many eggs they lay at a time? Go on. Take a guess. Did you say 10? More! Did you say 50? More! Many sea turtles lay 100 to 125 eggs in each nest and they make many nests over a couple of months. (That’s A LOT of eggs!) If the temperature of the sand is warm, the hatchlings are most likely to be female turtles and if the sand is cool, the hatchlings are more likely to be male turtles. (Isn’t that amazing?!) A sea turtle nest has a special name – it’s called a clutch. Unlike turtles that live on land, sea turtles can hide inside their shells. Some sea turtles, like the loggerhead, have been monitored by scientists and found to travel nearly 8,000 miles in their lifetime! That’s A LOT of swimming!
Nearly every type of sea turtle has been listed as endangered! And it’s not just one thing that’s hurting
their survival – it’s many things that can be prevented. For one, climate change is changing the habitats
and nesting lands of turtles. Pollution – everything from chemicals in the water to plastic bottles to old
fishing gear that the turtles get stuck in – poses a big danger. And, sadly, sea turtles often get caught as
“bycatch”. That’s when people fishing accidentally catch the turtles. Sea turtles also need darkness to
lay their eggs. Construction of developments and hotels along the oceans are putting bright lights along
the areas sea turtles like to make their nests and it scares them away.
There are simple things you can do to help sea turtles. For example, instead of using plastic bottles (that
can end up in the water), use reusable thermoses for your water and drinks. It’s an easy change that you
can make to help. You can also volunteer for a beach clean-up in your area. And, if you’re having a party,
don’t use balloons! Those balloons don’t decompose and often end up in the waters harming sea life. If
you want to decorate, use some paper streamers instead! Did you know that the sunscreen you use
might be hurting the sea life in our oceans? Don’t wear any sun lotion that has ‘oxybenzone’ in it. Shop
for “reef friendly” products instead.